Family Matters 4 – Conquering Relationships DAILY

family matters

Building deep and strong relationships is a lifelong commitment that demands time, effort, and dedication. As we’ve explored in this series, The Lord’s Prayer provides a powerful lens through which we can examine and strengthen our relationships. Pastor Larry Elliot reminds us that we are never alone on this journey. God’s promise is clear:

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye” (Psalms 32:8 NKJV).

Just as the disciples cried out to Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray,” God offers us His daily instruction. The Teacher never cancels the class—His lessons on faith, prayer, and relationships are always available, day by day.


Relationships Require a Foundation of Daily Surrender

In Matthew 6:11, Jesus teaches us to pray for our daily bread, reminding us to focus on today’s needs and challenges rather than tomorrow’s worries. Relationships, like our spiritual walk, are built daily—one step, one act of kindness, one moment of patience at a time. Ps Larry said during his sermon that this principle of daily surrender is the foundation of a strong relationship with God and others.

People often seek instant gratification, expecting immediate answers from social media and instant messaging apps like WhatsApp. But, in a world that demands speed, God calls us to live in the moment. Pastor Larry emphasised this by quoting Joshua 3-5: “Sanctify yourself today, so I can do wonders for you tomorrow.” It’s a powerful reminder that today’s obedience shapes tomorrow’s victories.

Trust God with Your Relationships DAILY

Matthew 6:25-26 further illustrates this idea. Jesus said, “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life… Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”

Ps Larry preached that this is the essence of faith. We must trust God with everything—especially our relationships. Worrying about tomorrow’s problems only weakens our faith. As Jesus said in Matthew 6:27-30, “Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?” Faith is activated each day by trusting God with the present moment, releasing worries about the future.

The key point here is: If worry controls you, your faith is weak. Trust God fully, surrender your relationships to Him, and watch how He transforms them day by day.

Live in the Present, Conquer Today

Jesus told us in Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Ps Larry echoed this sentiment, encouraging us to focus on conquering today rather than worrying about tomorrow. When we invest in today—our relationships, our prayers, our faith—we wake up in a better place tomorrow.

Every day presents a fresh opportunity to take the next step in our relationships with God and others. Jesus said in Luke 9:23, “Let all who desire to follow Me take up the cross DAILY.” This daily commitment requires faith, effort, and patience, but each small act leads to lasting growth.

The Bible gives countless examples of God working in daily routines: Job 23:12, Acts 2:46, and Psalm 68:19 all speak to the blessings and importance of daily living. Every relationship you value can be built or strengthened today—no need to wait for a miracle, you can be the miracle!

Surrender Daily for Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

The act of surrendering is pivotal in relationships. As Ps Larry said, surrendering begins with God but extends into our most personal relationships. In Ephesians 5, Paul teaches us to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ps Larry explained that healthy boundaries in relationships keep the good in and the bad out. Whether with a spouse, children, or close friends, we must surrender the right things to the right people.

Important point: Healthy boundaries are essential. When you surrender to God, you strengthen your ability to set healthy boundaries in your relationships.

Jesus modelled ultimate surrender when He prayed in Gethsemane, sweating drops of blood as He asked for the cup to pass from Him. He won the battle for our will, so we can willingly surrender it back to Him.

Activate Faith and Patience DAILY

Relationships require patience—the ability to trust in God’s timing rather than our own. The Greek word for patience, makrothumia, implies enduring hardship with hope and faith. As Ps Larry mentioned, patience in relationships means believing the best in one another, trusting God’s plan, and avoiding unnecessary conflict.

Faith must also be activated every day. As 1 Corinthians 13 teaches, faith, hope, and love are the bedrock of any strong relationship. Faith allows us to see the best in each other, hope gives us the vision for a brighter future, and love sustains us when challenges arise.

Important point: You reap what you sow. Galatians 6:7-9 reminds us that “whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” Sow patience, love, and faith into your relationships, and watch them grow.

Join us on a journey of faith and growth as Rhema South Coast continues to build its community. Explore more: New Building at Rhema South Coast.


The Relational Banking System

Think of a healthy relationship like a “relational banking system.” Each interaction you have is either a deposit or a withdrawal. Here’s how it works:

  • Deposits: These are the positive actions—like showing kindness, love, patience, and respect. They add value to your relationship and build a strong, healthy bond.
  • Withdrawals: These occur when you act with impatience or use harsh words. They can take a toll on your relationship, diminishing the trust and connection you’ve built.

To keep your relationship’s balance in the positive, try these practical steps:

  • Invest Time and Effort: Just like you’d invest in your financial savings, invest in your relationship. Spending quality time together strengthens your connection and shows that you care.
  • Exercise Patience: Patience means giving each other the benefit of the doubt and sticking together even when things get tough. It’s about believing the best in each other and working through challenges.
  • Practice Forgiveness: Holding onto grudges can seriously harm your relationship. Forgiveness allows you to move past mistakes and continue building a positive connection.
  • Surrender Selfishness: Put the needs of others ahead of your own. Follow Christ’s example of selflessness by considering what’s best for the other person, which fosters a deeper, more loving relationship.

By keeping track of these deposits and withdrawals, you can maintain a healthy, thriving relationship that reflects God’s values.

Take Small Steps, DAILY

Pastor Larry quotes Zechariah 4:10: “For who has despised the day of small things?” It’s a powerful reminder that small, consistent efforts lead to big results. Whether you’re mending a broken friendship, nurturing your marriage, or investing in your children, every small step matters.

Important point: Little things develop into big things. If issues arise, it’s easier to fix them when they’re small. Don’t despise the day of small things—start today and keep building.

Surrender, Patience, Selflessness DAILY

In closing, as Ps Larry often preaches, we must approach our relationships with surrender, patience, and selflessness. Let go of selfishness and embrace the joy of giving to others. Proverbs 11:24 – “One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.” Simply translated it means that the world of the generous gets larger and larger. On the other hand, the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller.”

Remember, deep relationships are built on daily acts of love, patience, and faith. Start today—take the first small step. Surrender your relationships to God and watch Him guide you to peace, fulfilment, and victory.

Watch the full sermon on Youtube.

Let’s pray:
Lord, thank You for Your daily guidance in our lives and relationships. Teach us to trust You with every aspect of our relationships and help us sow seeds of love, faith, and patience every day. We surrender our worries and fears to You, knowing that You will provide. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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