Key Elements for Living Your Life as a Believer | Family Matters #5

Running the race of faith with Rhema South Coast.

In 2 Timothy 4:6-7, Paul says, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” These words are powerful. They remind us that faith is a journey, a race we must run. As believers, we are called to live a life that reflects our faith. Not only vertically with God, but also horizontally with the people around us.

Ps. Anthony Cassel, from Rhema Vaal, during his sermon (watch on Youtube) at Rhema South Coast Family Church, shared six key elements that can help us live a victorious life. The main takeaway? Don’t look back at your past. Keep your eyes on the prize that Jesus has for you.

Let’s break down these six points and see how they can help us run the race of faith and live out God’s purpose for your life.

Runner at the starting line, focused and ready to sprint, symbolising the start of the race of faith.

1. Let Go of Your Past

If you want to live a victorious life, you’ve got to let go of your past. Philippians 3:13 tells us to stop focusing on the past and move forward. It’s like running a race—if you keep looking back, you’ll slow down.

God doesn’t want us stuck in guilt or regret. He forgives us and wipes our slate clean. By letting go, you’re making room for God to do new things in your life. Holding on to past mistakes can weigh us down. However, in Christ, we are made new, ready to pursue a bright future filled with purpose. By letting go of the past, we open ourselves up to receive God’s best for our lives.

We often allow the enemy to drag us back to past failures, distracting us from our righteousness in Christ. Paul understood this challenge, but in Philippians 3:13, he encourages us with these words: “I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead.

2. Discipline Your Flesh

We all have moments where we struggle with our desires. Paul knew this too. In 1 Corinthians 9:27, he talks about controlling his body, making it a slave to God’s will. It’s not always easy, but when we learn to say no to our fleshly desires, we make space for God to work in us. Discipline leads to freedom.

Our flesh can be our greatest stumbling block in our walk with God. Paul emphasises this in 1 Corinthians 9:27: “I keep my body under control and make it my slave, so I won’t lose out after telling the good news to others.

Living a disciplined life means bringing our desires under the control of the Holy Spirit. When we fail to discipline ourselves, we risk missing out on God’s best. Whether it’s laziness, unhealthy habits, or negative thoughts, these distractions keep us from experiencing the fullness of God’s plan. By disciplining our flesh, we position ourselves to run the race with endurance, striving for excellence and godly values.

3. Put Away Anything That Holds You Back

Sometimes, the things holding us back are subtle—like bad habits, fear, or even negative relationships. Letting go of these things will help us focus on the good plans God has for us. So Rhema South Coast believers, identify what’s holding you back and choose to let it go.

Hebrews 12:1 encourages us to “strip off every unnecessary weight and the sin which so easily entangles us.” This is a call to put away anything that holds you back from walking in God’s plan for your life.

Sin, distractions, and even burdens can prevent us from running our race with endurance. It’s important to evaluate what is holding you back—whether it’s a bad habit, fear, or even toxic relationships. Identifying these weights allows us to let go and focus on what truly matters: living in alignment with God’s will. In Philippians 3:15, Paul reminds us to stay focused on the goal. He urges us to total commitment to the path God has set for us.

Hiker on a challenging mountain path, representing perseverance and letting go of burdens in the race of faith.

4. Stay Focused on God’s Vision

The world is full of distractions. Mark 4:19 warns us that if we focus on money, fame, or pleasure, we’ll lose track of God’s plan. Keep your focus on Jesus. What’s your goal? Heaven. 2 Timothy 3:4 also talks about how some people love pleasure more than God. Let’s not be those people. As believers, our passion must remain rooted in Christ. Let’s keep our eyes on the eternal rewards.

To stay focused on God’s vision, we must commit ourselves fully to pursuing His purpose. This means making intentional decisions to prioritise our relationship with Jesus and reject distractions that lead us astray.

5. Model Your Life After Christ

At Rhema South Coast, Jesus is our role model. 1 Peter 2:21 says Jesus gave us an example to follow. The way He loved, served, and forgave is how we should live. 1 Corinthians 11:1 says we should follow the example of Christ. When people look at our lives, they should see Jesus in us. Living like Christ is a daily choice. Let’s make it.

Living like Christ requires us to be shaped by the Word of God and led by the Holy Spirit. We are called to love, serve, and live righteously, just as Jesus did. In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul encourages believers to “follow my example, just as I follow Christ.” By modelling our lives after Christ, we shine His light in the world, becoming living testimonies of His love and grace.

6. Run to Win the Prize

We are not running this race for nothing. We’re running for the ultimate prize—eternal life with God. 2 Timothy 4:7-8 reminds us to keep the faith and finish strong. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Don’t settle for less. Give your best in your walk with God, knowing that a great reward is waiting for you.

Running the race of faith requires endurance, perseverance, and a heart fully committed to God’s purpose. We must be willing to push through obstacles, pursue righteousness, and live with integrity. The prize isn’t just eternal life, but the joy of living in God’s will every day. Let’s not aim for half-hearted efforts; instead, let’s run to win, knowing that the ultimate reward is spending eternity with our Heavenly Father.

Hands reaching towards a glowing crown, symbolising running the race of faith to win the eternal prize.

Include These 6 Key Elements into Your Daily Life

Living out these six elements is something we can do every day at Rhema South Coast. Here are some easy ways to get started:

  • Let go of past mistakes. Don’t let guilt hold you back.
  • Discipline your body. Start small by saying no to unhealthy habits.
  • Identify what’s slowing you down. Let go of anything pulling you away from God.
  • Keep your focus on Jesus. Remember why you’re running this race.
  • Follow Christ’s example. Ask yourself, “What would Jesus do?”
  • Run with purpose. Give your best and know that God is cheering you on.

Hebrews 12:1-2 encourages us: “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.” As you include these elements into your daily walk, you will find yourself growing stronger in your faith. You will get more focused on your purpose, and be better equipped to overcome any challenges that come your way.

Are you ready to deepen your walk with God? Watch the full Rhema South Coast sermon here and start applying these life-changing principles. Also, check out more from the Family Matters series here.

Final Prayer

Lord, help us to let go of our past and discipline our flesh. Reveal what’s holding us back, and give us the strength to overcome it. Keep our focus on Jesus, and let us model our lives after Him. May we run this race of faith with endurance, giving our best to You. Amen.