Lead Us | Overcome Temptation in Relationships with God’s Help

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We’re back with the next powerful instalment of our “Family Matters” series! This is the 8th message, and today, Pastor Larry brought such a timely and relevant word. He reminded us that each one of us is important to God, and in every relationship we have, we need to be aware of how much He leads us.

We’ve heard over the weeks that God desires to guide our lives and our relationships. We focused on the 5th principle from the Lord’s Prayer: “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil” (Matthew 6:13). Pastor Larry emphasised that this isn’t just about asking God to keep us from sin. It’s more about living in His wisdom and strength to resist temptation in every part of life—especially in our relationships.

You see, Jesus wasn’t just teaching us to pray in the Lord’s Prayer—He was showing us how to build strong relationships rooted in trust, obedience, and, most importantly, love.

For the full message, watch here: Lead Us Sermon

Temptation Affects Our Relationships

As Pastor Larry said, temptation can significantly impact the way we relate to others. In our families, marriages, and friendships, it challenges our commitment, trust, and integrity. When we look at Scripture, we see that the Bible is full of stories where temptation entered relationships and caused chaos.

Let’s break down a few examples mentioned, reminding us of the consequences and lessons we can learn from them.

  1. Adam and Eve – Genesis 3
    In the garden, Adam and Eve gave in to temptation, and their choice brought sin into the world. Pastor Larry said this act not only affected their relationship with God, but also set the course for all human relationships. We learned that Satan is the author of temptation, not God, and that’s why we need to keep our guard up and wear the full armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-18).
  2. Cain and Abel – Genesis 4
    Jealousy led Cain to anger, and his unchecked emotions caused him to murder his brother. Our choices have consequences. Cain’s action impacted his family and brought a curse upon him. Similarly, when we give in to temptation, we allow the enemy to use those moments to stop us from reaching our full potential.
  3. Samson and Delilah – Judges 16
    Samson’s downfall came because he was tempted by Delilah, a woman he should never have been with in the first place. This taught us that wrong relationships and poor boundaries lead to poor decisions and destruction. We’ve got to be discerning in who we allow into our lives.
  4. Peter’s Denial – Matthew 26:69-75
    One of the most well-known stories of temptation is when Peter denied Jesus three times. Pastor emphasised that fear and self-preservation can sometimes make us act against our own faith. But here’s the good news—Jesus never gave up on Peter! Peter repented, was forgiven, and was restored. God always offers restoration when we turn to Him.

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What Can We Learn?

All of these examples teach us about the importance of asking God to lead us. Not only to resist temptation but to make wise choices that honour Him and our relationships. Pastor Larry reminded us that we need each other. In resisting temptation, we must rely on our faith family and be accountable to one another.

Here’s a powerful lesson we heard today: The Bible gives us the tools to resist temptation, but it’s up to us to put them into practice.

How Do We Guard Ourselves?

We heard five practical steps to help us navigate the temptations we face in our daily relationships. These steps will strengthen us as individuals and as a church family.

  • Stay in God’s Word: Ps Larry made a point that God’s Word is our greatest weapon against temptation. Psalm 119:11 says, “I have hidden Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” By staying rooted in Scripture, we renew our minds and hearts daily.
  • Build a Strong Prayer Life: As Jesus taught His disciples in Matthew 6:13, “Lead us not into temptation.” We are encouraged to pray more fervently, especially in those moments when we feel weakest. Prayer not only helps us resist temptation but strengthens our relationship with God.
  • Know Your Weaknesses: James 1:12-15 says: “Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life.” This verse speaks to the need for self-awareness. We’ve got to be honest with ourselves and know where we are most vulnerable.
  • Choose Accountability: As we heard, “two are better than one” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10). We need to be accountable not only to God but also to those around us. When we’re honest with others, they can help us stay strong and support us in our walk with Christ.
  • Flee Temptation: Sometimes the best way to resist temptation is to simply remove ourselves from the situation. Pastor Larry reminded us of Joseph, who fled from Potiphar’s wife. Fleeing from temptation shows wisdom and strength.
  • Focus on Love and Selflessness: In relationships, prioritising love and selflessness can help counteract the selfish desires that often accompany temptation. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 describes love as patient, kind, and not self-seeking, which can guide us in maintaining healthy, godly relationships.

Resisting Temptation in Our Lives

In Sunday’s message it is clear that we can’t resist temptation on our own. We need God’s grace, His Word, and each other. By living for Christ and staying close to Him, we can be victorious over the schemes of the enemy.

Here’s the thing! When you overcome temptation, you don’t just win the battle—you take back ground that the enemy tried to steal! So, church, let’s rise up and speak the Word of God into every situation in our lives. It is written—we have the authority in Christ to overcome!

Daily Confessions: The cross is the maximum expression of God’s love towards YOU! Choose to accept His sacrifice today!

Lead Us in Our Relationships

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As we continue to grow in our relationships with one another and with God, let’s remember to apply what we’ve learned from this series. Pastor Larry’s words reminded us that God’s guidance and His Word are key to healthy relationships, free from the enemy’s grasp.


  • Stay rooted in God’s Word daily.
  • Build a strong prayer life.
  • Be honest about your weaknesses.
  • Choose accountability and lean on trusted friends.
  • Flee temptation when needed.

Final Thoughts

God’s love and His guidance are available to each one of us. If we commit to following Him, He will lead us not into temptation and help us overcome any challenges we face.

Call to Action

This week, take some time to reflect on where you need God’s guidance in your relationships. Pray and ask Him to lead you in resisting temptation. Remember to lean on your faith family for support. Together, we can grow stronger in Christ.

Heavenly Father, we come before You asking for Your guidance in every part of our lives. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the enemy. Help us to stay rooted in Your Word and rely on Your strength, not our own. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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