A New Building for Rhema South Coast | A Bold Vision for our Future Home

new home

The Rhema South Coast Family Church is entering a thrilling new chapter in its journey! A chapter filled with promise, excitement, and God’s undeniable faithfulness. After nearly 19 years of impacting the South Coast community, the church is now poised to take a monumental step forward with the purchase of a new property.

This isn’t just about expanding physically. It’s about expanding our reach, deepening our impact, and positioning ourselves for even greater Kingdom work. As we prepare to take possession of this new building, we invite every member, supporter, and well-wisher to be part of what God is doing.

Faith and a Vision for Rhema SC’s New Building

This journey began with a dream and vision placed in the heart of Pastor Larry Elliott. In 2005, he followed God’s call to plant a church on the South Coast of KwaZulu-Natal. With nothing but faith and a vision to see people brought into a life-giving relationship with Jesus, he set out to create a spiritual home for those seeking hope and healing. Over the years, Rhema South Coast has grown into more than only a church… it has become a family.

And now, 19 years later, God has opened the door to a new opportunity: a brand-new property that will serve as the base for our expanding ministries. We know that this is more than brick and mortar – it’s a new home for our church family. And it comes with tremendous potential to grow our vision for reaching the community.




The Vision Behind the New Property

This new property represents a bold step forward for Rhema South Coast. The church leadership envisions a place that will serve not just as a location for weekly services, but as a hub for transformation. They see a place for changed lives, stronger families, and a new generation raised with the love and knowledge of Christ.

One of the most exciting elements of the new building is the development of a Youth and Children’s Facility, which is already well underway. This dedicated space will provide a safe and engaging environment for our young people to grow in their faith, connect with others, and develop their God-given gifts. Investing in the next generation is one of the most significant contributions we can make for the future of the church.

new homeIn the words of Pastor Larry, “This is where we will train and raise up our team of disciples. Our vision – Every believer a leader; Every leader a soul-winner and disciple maker.”

The grand opening of the Youth and Children’s Facility happens on the 4th to 6th of October 2024. This coincides not only with our birthday, but also the much-anticipated Encounter Weekend. Expect this to be a powerful time of worship, teaching, and community. We know that God will continue to guide us every step of the way.

The Youth/Childrens facility revamp is going ahead full steam. We are excited for its opening on 4 to 6 October ‘24.

The Costs and the Call to Action

Every bold vision comes with a cost, and this is no exception. Phase One of the project will total R4,660,000. This includes:

  • R3,000,000 for the purchase of the new building.
  • R200,000 for transfer fees.
  • R100,000 to consolidate both properties.
  • R500,000 for upgrades to get the building ready for use.
  • R860,000 to settle the current building.

The great news is that we’ve already received over R400,000, praise the Lord. This has allowed us to pay the deposit and move forward with the first steps of the project. But we’re not done yet! We’re calling on our church family to continue sowing into this vision.

God’s Word reminds us in 2 Corinthians 9:7, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

This is an invitation to partner with us in faith. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us closer to realising the full potential of this new home. Together, we can transform this building into a space that will impact lives for generations to come. If you feel led to give, please visit our Building Page to learn how you can be a part of this incredible journey.

The Value of the New Building

This new property is more than an expansion of our physical space. It’s an expansion of our ministry, our reach, and our ability to serve the South Coast community.

new building plan

It will provide:

  • a dedicated area for our children and youth,
  • create more room for worship and fellowship,
  • and give us the capacity to host larger gatherings, events, and outreach programs.

Imagine the possibilities: more space for children to learn about Jesus, dedicated rooms for prayer and counselling, and areas where we can better serve the needs of our growing congregation. This building allows us to dream bigger and reach further.

Be reminded of Isaiah 54:2, which says, “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.” This is exactly what we’re doing. We’re making room for more, not for the sake of growth itself, but so that we can continue to bring the light of Jesus to a world in need.

Moving Forward | A Bright Future With Rhema South Coast

Looking ahead, the leadership are filled with anticipation for what God will do through Rhema South Coast. As we prepare to step into this new phase, we’re not focused on what the building will provide. It is more about how it will help us fulfil our mission of developing people to a place of maturity in Christ.

God has brought us this far, and we trust that He will carry us through to the completion of this vision. As Philippians 1:6 declares, “Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

This is more than a new building! It’s a new chapter in the life of our church. The best is yet to come, and we’re excited to see how God will use this new space to bring even more people into a relationship with Him.

If you’re ready to be a part of this journey, we encourage you to get involved. Whether through prayer, giving, or serving, there is a place for everyone in this vision. Let’s connect to find out how you can join us in this exciting new season.

Together, let’s build something that will glorify God and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.