Rhythms of Grace – Preparation

Preparation is having the End in sight

Matthew 25:4 AMPC “But the wise took flasks of oil along with them [also] with their lamps.”

When Jesus said, I go to prepare a place for you, the listeners understood what He meant. He was referring to the groom who, under His father’s supervision, was preparing a wonderful place for his bride. He was laboring to win her love. But what is the bride doing while he is preparing a place for her? She is preparing herself for him! One day, like the bride, we will hear the trumpet telling us our home is prepared and we will be called away to meet Him in the air. We’ll be taken to the marriage feast of the Lamb and we will become one with Him! Being completely ready to meet Him and leave Planet Earth is what Jesus was talking about when He referred to having oil in our lamp, i.e. being fully prepared to leave this world. The more we know Him intimately, the more we are one with Him, the more we want to be where He is…

Desiring to reach the end and fulfil what needs to be done to get there empowers you to remain committed to what needs to happen and follow through for preparation.

The Holy Spirit will show you what you need to do.


Ps Mandy